Thursday, July 29, 2010

2 years is also a great age!

You can run around naked and no one cares.
If your clothes don't match, people think it is cute.
You are at the perfect height to touch almost everything.
You run extremely fast!
You think your fine motor skills are awesome!
You know the ending of all your cartoons and therefore never need to finish them.
You have NEVER pooped your diaper! (if anyone is asking)
Your nails never need to be cut.
You can fend for yourself and eat cereal all day long.
Germs have absolutely no affect one you.
You can do whatever the pets do, except better!
You can load a shopping cart like nobody's business!
You can point out EVERY airplane in the sky!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Its hard being 2!

2 years old is a hard age!
You talk constantly and no one understands you.
You know exactly what you want and no one gives it to you.
You ARE being nice to the dog but they tell you to any way.
You can shut yourself in the closet but can't get out.
You point everything you see out to the big people and they aren't as amused as you.
You can run at the speed of light and they still catch you.
You know how to buckle yourself in the car seat but they won't leave you to it.
You know where you are, why do the big people care.
Everyone else eats the grass outside, why can't you?
The new baby always wants to touch you!
You are forced to sleep even when you aren't tired!
You know how to brush your own teeth but no one lets you.
You don't care if your favorite shoes are soaking wet, their your favorite.
No one else seems to know the importance of Harley and your blankie.
You know where the dish soap is and how to start the dish washer but no one lets you.
You know how to work the washer and dryer but no one appreciates it.
You make sure the red light on the power cord is always turned off but get in trouble for it.
You don't allow any tissue to go unflushed, any cabinet left cracked, any drawer left open, any frig left ajar (even if someone is standing in it); its hard cleaning up after the big people.

If you ask Caius....Its hard being the baby!
No one lets you run around!
The animals don't like you to pet them.
Eating stinks!
Throwing up sucks!
And worst of all my big brother won't let me touch him, even though he is my hero!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Boys

My poor baby is not feeling well this week. He is fussy and uncomfortable. When he isn't fussy he just sits. He wouldn't even work for his therapists. Normally he will work and then fight, work and then fight. But not this week. This week he wouldn't work at all and they both said he was giving them the evil eye, just daring them to touch him. When they would he would flail. It was like wrestling a squid! I hope my little darling feels better soon!!

Asher the crazy man max is awesome. He is doing much better verbally, though grunting seems to be his preferred form of communication. He still thinks adults are human jungle gyms. When Grandma Di comes over he runs up and says 'gin' as in again, and points to her glasses. After she take them off he crawls up her to the top of the couch, laughing hysterically. Once up there, she asks, 'now what are you gonna do?" to which he replies "DOOOOOO" and dives off the couch head first into her lap. She somehow catches him and flips him onto his feet on the floor. I think they do this at least a hundred times every night they are together.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My crazy kids

I laughed a lot yesterday. Caius has gotten so strong. When I try to suction his nose he wraps his legs around my arm and his hands around my hand and fights like mad.

Asher brought me a wasp's nest yesterday, what every mother wants! His favorite thing to watch right now is the menu screen for Lost. Its a little eerie to wake up to the music of Lost, especially before the sun comes up.

We have some kind of leak under our sink. So yesterday I pulled out the bottom of the cabinet and the dishwasher to investigate. I got a flashlight and started looking. Well not to be out done, Ash grabbed the flashlight and went hunting. He looked everywhere. He even opened the entertainment center and hunted out two books I had hid in the back. He even got out a sponge and gave it a thorough looking over at point blank range.

Ash has seen me turn off the DVD and TV with my feet while holding Caius. A fact that I was unaware of before yesterday when I saw him, crocs and all, trying to reach the DVD player with his foot to change the disk. He finally got his leg high enough but couldn't push the button with his clod-hoppers.

Poor lil' Caius' bounce broke. This was the BEST bounce in the world. It even stood up to months of Ash bouncing in it with his knees in the head rest.

If you know us much you know that Asher feels that all and I mean all tissue used or new belongs in the toilet and no toilet should ever go un-flushed even if there is only a tiny bit of paper in it. So yesterday, to Asher's detriment, I replaced the roll of Toilet paper in the bathroom. I'm with Caius and I hear the toilet flush and Asher cry. Hmmmm. Can you guess what I found? More than half of roll in the toilet yet still attached to rest of roll on wall. I guess he thought it was full enough for one flush and got upset when it all wouldn't go down. I told him to wait and I ran to get something to fish out the paper but while I was gone he tried to flush again. This raised the water level. He almost couldn't take it. He couldn't understand why there was more in the bowl after he flushed! I had to carry him crying out of the bathroom and shut the door. I asked Josh to take care of it when he got home. I heard rustling in my kitchen spoons. Then I had to explain why he wasn't going to use kitchenware for the toilet. He thought I was nuts. Am I? I don't think that it is too much to ask that my kitchenware never be used in the toilets. Its bad enough I had to go rescue 2 steak knives from his tool box yesterday!

So the boys and I go out to Hobby Lobby and then HEB last night. As we are walking out of Hobby Lobby, Ash runs past the woman walking in front of us and blocks the door as he tries to raise his foot high enough to push the handicap button that would open the door. The poor woman didn't know what to think. Asher also made sure to touch EVERYTHING on the left side of the baking isle, third shelf from the bottom. Caius made sure to flirt with EVERY woman that he saw except our cashier. I guess his flirt was all worn out.

The best laugh of the day came when I jumped in the shower. I had my eyes closed and I hear "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Josh!" I open my eyes and Asher has pulled back the shower curtain and is trying to look at me through the water spraying his face while he hands me $132. It was a pile of money. 100 dollar bill on top. Now that's my kind of shower. Of course he wouldn't let me not take it so it got soaking wet. Wet or not that is my kinda shower and Josh says I don't make any money.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

End of Week update

Caius has some sinus congestion which makes him miserable! Poor little guy. His oxygen levels are low anyway but then this. I keep telling him to breath through his mouth, that he comes from a long line of mouth breathers but... he only listens part of the time. He is such a snuggle bug and has been doing better about his throwing up. Its not completely subsided but it has lessened. Thank the Lord!

Asher.... well he is a nut! He won't hardly eat human food but we often find him on all fours eating Idgy's food. He also will get down on all fours to eat grass in the backyard. It rained yesterday and he walked out into the rain and just stood there looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. He then started running through the puddles until he noticed that his crocs, his precious crocs, were getting wet. He just stopped and started crying. We averted this crisis by taking off his crocs and then he continued to run through the puddles. He was completely soaked when he got done.

The cats had their yearly exams yesterday. I stuffed them both into a carrier and loaded the car. Idgy was SO excited! I told her she didn't want to go where we were going but she wouldn't hear of it. So Asher, Caius, Idgy, Seven, Nine and I went to vet. The cats were freaking out of course and Seven hid under the bench. Asher found it necessary to check on her and Whap! she scratched him! There was blood dripping everywhere. She got him on the ear pretty good. So the vet comes in and we have to doctor Asher before he can see the cats. Never a dull moment!

So lets see what Saturday brings!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We have a surgery date!

August 24th is the big day. Its not as soon as we would like but it is all in God's timing. Its the first available date that has both surgeons. Please continue to pray for little Caius. He is doing ok except for the throwing up which is causing an oral aversion. Yuck! Sometimes you just can't win for losing!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Still no news

We met with the surgeons yesterday and they they told us the risks and the percentages of success, death, stroke, leaking valves and so one. Which by the way is a success rate in the high 90s. I asked them about bringing in a plastic surgeon to close up Caius' chest so it wouldn't have that huge bump in it but they didn't really think that was good idea. They said he should finish growing before we look at plastic surgery. When we were leaving they called us into their office to show us CT scans of Cai's chest. His heart was HUGE!!! There wasn't any extra space in his chest cavity. The surgeon said he wanted to show us so that we wouldn't think he was BSing us. I said "we would never" in a sarcastic tone. We had a good laugh.

They said Caius looked great and that we could wait as late as September to do the repair. They also said they appreciated us coming prepared with a list of questions. They told us to go home and think about it. Josh said that we have thought about it for 8 months and we are ready to have it behind us!!

Please pray for Gods timing on the surgery.