Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Long 2 weeks

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. We went to Clovis to watch Quin, Josh's little brother, graduate. It was great, Caius got to hang out with three sets of his great-grandparents.

The bad news is though, that when we left he wasn't throwing up, he was happy, and getting on a sleeping schedule. But the day we got there he started throwing up and it hasn't stopped since. Plus now he and Asher are sick and congested, which for Caius is terrible being that he struggles for oxygen anyway.

We stayed over in Lubbock for a few days and Asher got to go swimming, which was torture for the most part but I think at the end he started to like it a little.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dancing with Jesus

Chrissie has gone to dance with Jesus and isn't in any more pain or discomfort. Please pray for her family and especially her mother who has lived in the hospital at her bedside for over a month now. As a Momma who has lived bedside in the PICU let me tell you it is exhausting in more ways than are imaginable. Especially when fighting for your baby's life.

Hanging in Lubbock

Well this is the first time I could get on the internet since last Thursday. The boys have got to spend time with 3 sets of their great-grandparents, their Granny n Grumpy and their Oma. they are getting super spoiled and loving every minute!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Asher is 2 years old!

I can't believe Asher is 2 years old today! He is a crazy cool kid who is such a joy!! The little booger is way too smart for his own good and amazes me everyday with what he can do. Happy Birthday little man!

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Great Fly Killer

Caius did awesome with his occupational Therapist this morning. She just kept saying "I'm so impressed!" and " He is doing great!" Yay!

Now onto the great fly killer saga...
Now that it is summer we have a fly problem. Regular and especially fruit flies. I've made traps, cups with apple inside covered tightly with plastic wrap with a few small holes on top. The traps work great and I change them out every few days.

Now Asher has been watching us kill the flies with the fly swatter. He picked it up the other day and started hitting me, the cats, Idgy. So I explain that we only hit the windows. Well that goober is too smart. Today he has the fly swatter and is not just hitting the window, he is actually aiming for the flies! This was all great until he saw the trap. He got it off the window sill and examined the flies trapped inside. He then proceeded to put it on the floor and hit it with the fly swatter.

You can't fault his logic. It makes sense.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Much needed date night

I had the greatest evening. Granma Di came and watched the boys while my hubby and I went mountain biking. It was a blast! The only way it could have been better was to have had motors on the bikes. :-)

Afterwards, we went to a restaurant and order chips, salsa, and guaca. The salsa and guaca was served in tortilla cups. This poor waiter, who I guess was on a break had came out on the patio. When we got to the end I had the bright idea to eat the cups. They looked puffy and yummy. I bit into one and felt something drip down my chin and fill my mouth. It took only a second to realize it was grease... Totally grossed out I let the bite drop out of my mouth onto the table and tried desperately to get the napkin that was super glued around the silverware. Finally having conquered that tricky contraption I took to wiping my mouth and chin with the napkin. Unfortunately the poor server on his break saw the whole thing. Horrified he asked "Is something wrong with the food?" I explained everything and let him know it is fine. He said "Good, I was just worried that there was something wrong with the food but I do think I've lost my appetite." He pushed his meal away and didn't take another bite. oops!

We did however see a huge blimp fly over during dinner. It was cool. When was the last time you saw a huge blimp? and no, Up, doesn't count.

Woo Hoo!

Caius did awesome today at Speech Therapy! He took 20cc by mouth! He didn't fight it and actually opened his mouth for it. I'm so proud! He has been uncomfortable all day though and acts like he is teething even though I can't find any bumps. He chews on his fingers and will take yours off if you get it too close.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Talk, Talk, Talk

Well I believe Caius is feeling better! We did a treatment at 5:45am and at 6:30am he started talking and talking and talking. He didn't stop until he went back to sleep at 9am. We couldn't sleep or get a word in edge-wise.

Asher, on the other hand, is having a rough morning. He's feeling crummy and wants constant attention. Add on top of that the fact that 7 has been unsuccessful on her constant stalking of birds this morning and has taken to chasing Jorge, the rabbit. He'll bust through the doggie door and fly through the kitchen like a black bolt of lighting. 7 lagging behind trying to act like she's not really chasing him, knowing she isn't supposed to do that. A fact which she is quite upset about because I do allow Jorge to chase her. When he does finally catch her she gives him a good bonk on the head. He loves it!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Good News and another machine

It was a super busy day today. 9:30 am cardiologist appointment then back home for speech therapy at 12. Then on to the pediatrician at 1:40. Followed by the pharmacy. We didn't get home till around 5pm. Asher was a trooper he handled it all well and charmed every nurse he saw.

The cardiologist was pleased with Caius' progression and said we can schedule the repair whenever it is convenient. He listened to his lungs and heard wheezing so he sent us to the pediatrician. They gave him a breathing treatment there which if you ask Caius was complete torture. He kept panicking and I would have to stop it and try to calm him down, which didn't work. Finally his tired got all worn out and he fell asleep. The breathing treatments will help open up his airways and they also started him on steroids which will help with the inflammation in his lungs. I asked if it will help him get big 'guns' but the doc, not picking up on my sarcasm, explained that these are a different kind of steroid. :-0

They gave us a nebulizer there which is a penguin and the bag it comes in looks like an igloo. But Caius isn't fooled! We've done one treatment at home and we waited for him to be asleep but he still squirmed.

Caius' weight and length:
at Cardiologist 12lbs 4oz, 25ins
at Pediatrician 11lbs 7oz, 23.5ins
Even though I am inclined to believe the cardiologist's scale I know that the pediatricians is more accurate.

Thank you all for your prayers, they are such a blessing to our family!