Friday, June 11, 2010

Call me a quack but if it works...

Yesterday our Speech Therapist came and Caius wouldn't take any milk or food by mouth. We were both disgusted that we have lost so much ground due to his congestion/throwing up. Desperate I went online and read about a mom using AK (Applied Kinesiology) to diagnose her child's allergies. I've had this done before so I knew exactly what she was talking about. I must admit when I had it done I was skeptical but it was right on.

So I found a Dr. who practices AK here in SA and got Caius in yesterday afternoon. Caius tested weak to Milk (we knew that), MSG, Whey, and soy.
I had stopped eating wheat and eggs again but not soy. I don't know why I didn't think about soy as a possible problem but sure enough. So now I can eat eggs and wheat but no soy. I started yesterday but it will take a few weeks before we will really know if it is helping.

I wish I would have done this sooner. It might be whacky but at least it is completely noninvasive and you don't have to take a medication and then wait and see, wondering all the time if maybe you are having some weird side effect to the drug.

Our physical therapist came today and was super impressed with Cai's head control. He is however doing a flying W with his legs and its not cool so we are going to have to order special shorts for him so his hips will develop correctly.

Asher is awesome! He is trying SO hard to talk. He talks and talks but we only understand one or two words. Poor guy! He has, however, been swimming a lot this week and has a great tan!

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