Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 2 @ 2pm

The night went well except for the fact that somebody (I'm not going to mention any names) needed A LOT of attention. He kicked, flailed, squirmed, arched, turned all night long! The poor night nurse had to watch him like a hawk. He wasn't responding to any of the sedation meds and they had given him a bunch. We actually had to raise the sides of his crib because he kept trying to roll over. He kicked out the IV in his foot and was trying to snag the ventilator tube with his toes.

They figured they better take him off of the ventilator before he did it himself. The ventilator tube came out around 11:30am and he is doing great. He is much more comfortable now and is resting much better. He is breathing really well and taking deep breathes. They are looking to take out his Arterial line and urine catheter later today. They are working on clearing his lungs and he is handling it like a champ.

It has been so funny because he has everyone in stitches. His right leg is always up and kicking. He looks like a River Dancer. The nursing supervisor came in the room laughing this morning saying she can see his leg kicking up over the top of the crib from her desk. Even people just walking by his room have to stop and see the dancing baby. They are calling him a 'wild man.'

I did talk to the surgeon today. He said he is super happy! He said it is going to be a long recovery but it is to be expected with such a major surgery.

1 comment:

  1. Oh so happy to hear he is coming along. Slow strides....but God will continue to keep him in His mighty healing hands! We will continue to pray for quick healing on him as well as comfort for the family! Blessings to you all during this time!
