Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ok! Alright!

I'm sorry it has been forever since I have posted. It has been a little ways down on my list of things to do. I have pics to corroborate my stories but need to find the wire that will allow me to put them on my computer.

I have many things to tell you...

While at the grocery store Asher grabbed a red bell pepper and ate it like an apple.
During the next trip he did the same for a tomato, problem was it was easy to pay for the eaten pepper since it is per unit priced. Not so with the tomatoes,they are by weight. So I had to try and find one about the same size and then explain to the cashier what had happened. He thought I was nuts but only cuz I told him about the tomato.

Let's see.... I turned 30 which in and of itself wasn't bad but the day was terrible. We were supposed to go to the library for story time but Caius was having a TERRIBLE morning. I thought the worst was behind us so we set off, late but on our way. And then it happened. It was so bad that I had to pull over on the interstate to go back and suction him and clean him up. Of course I had used up all my clean towels and throw up rags, not to mention his clean extra outfits and didn't bring any cuz we were running late. Needless to say we missed story time. My girlfriend took me to lunch which was super nice except that Ash was done and he let me know that he didn't want to be out any more. Then Josh calls and says that Idgy is in the pound. I guess I was trying to leave so fast that she had gone outside and I didn't notice. Ooops! She was picked up by a code enforcement officer. She totally had his number though. They told me she sat in his lap the whole way back.

The next day wasn't any better. Asher got burned really bad on his finger. I have always told him that pots are hot. For some reason I never told him not to touch the thing that makes the pot hot. Oh yes, he touched the burner. Poor guy, wait till you see pics. He was a trooper though. The burn and blister never bothered him but the band-aid did!

Caius is doing fabulous. His Physical Therapist said that he is doing really good. He worked really hard for her on Monday. And tonight he put a french fry in his mouth!! Yeah. He didn't freak out, he didn't gag and throw up he just gnawed on it. Oh happy day! Now if you would have told me a year ago that my not even 1 year old would be eating a fry and I would be happy about it, I would have laughed you out of the room. But at this point anything in his mouth is GREAT!

Oh yes, I just remembered... My hubby took me out to a nice dinner on Friday to celebrate my birthday. I wore a cute skirt that I hadn't worn since I was 19. The elastic is a little old. Anyway, the skirt would ride up a bit when I would walk so I would check it to make sure nobody got a show. Well at this place they are almost always there to pull your chair out for you. So here I come from the salad bar and there is our waiter waiting for me. At this point I'm worried that my skirt has migrated a little too far north and might be really short when I sit down. So he pulls the chair out and I go to tuck my skirt and give it a little tug south. Well..... did I mention the old elastic. Yup, it went way south. I couldn't remember if the chairs had backs all the way down or if there was a space and everyone could see the moon. I leaned back in the chair and pulled my shirt down as far as it would go. My waiter was oblivious and was waiting for me to lean forward so he could push in my chair. So there we were, talk about an awkward moment. We finally got the chair in a suitable position and he asked if I needed anything else. For heaven sakes NO, just leave so I can pull up my skirt! I didn't say that, just thought it. He leaves and as I go to pull it up, BAM! My elbow hits the tray of a passing waiter. Monkey! It didn't hurt but then there was someone else asking if I needed anything. I wonder what he would have said if I would have said "Yes I need you to leave me alone so that I can pull my skirt up and stop mooning the tables behind me!"

Well I'm going to bed. Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3 weeks since OHS

I can't believe it has only been three weeks since my little man's open heart surgery. Caius looks amazing! No one can even tell he just had surgery. He is active and talking and cute as a bug!
We went to his cardiologist appointment last Thursday and I am proud to say that he is not on Lasiks anymore, WOOOHOOOO!!! and our next cardiology appointment isn't for 6 months. This is a whole new world for us. Thank you Jesus! I know the pic makes it look as though he is eating but let me tell you, this child takes NOTHING by mouth. Please pray he starts!

My Mom is in town this week and we are enjoying hanging out. I'm glad she is here because I have become very self destructive in the last few days. Sunday I stepped wrong and fell off of my shoe, which was a wedge. I thought I had fractured a small bone on the side of my foot because there are times when I cannot put weight on my foot. It has made getting off the floor while holding my boys interesting to say the least. My amazing friend took an x-ray of my foot, so we know there are no fractures just a really bad bone bruise.

Then on Monday, I being the genius that I am, tried to introduce one of my cats to my Mom's dogs. Needless to say it didn't go as I had planned and it definitely didn't go well. My finger took the brunt of the encounter and I now have two puncture wounds on the middle finger of my left hand. For the record, I would like to say Owwwiee!!! Not necessarily to the bite itself even though that wasn't pleasant but to the subsequent cleaning that I have had to endure. I have soaked in food grade hydrogen peroxide, 91% proof alcohol, and Epsom salts (not all at the same time) cleaned with betadine, wiggled, mushed and squished the wounds to try and get out any bacteria that might cause infection.

Due to the pain and swelling the only usable fingers on my left hand are my thumb and index finger. This has made me realize that I believe most of the commonly used letters on the key board are typed using fingers on the left hand. This post has taken me a while to type. :O)

Well, Goodnight to you all. I'm going to finish pumping and then go find me a hot male nurse named Josh to bandage my finger.

I almost forgot!! Today was a memorable day because we found a penny in Asher's diaper. I guess I should insert a joke or something about keeping the change but nothing comes to mind. I did not, however, keep the penny, it went with diaper.

Friday, September 3, 2010


My good friend Noni left today. The week went by too fast but I really enjoyed spending time with her. Caius went to the surgeon's yesterday for a follow up. They took out his last two stitches and did a chest x-ray. They were very pleased with his progress. I almost cried when we left. It was a strange and good feeling to know that we won't be going back.

We had a chance to run up and visit Janelle, the little girl I asked prayer for a few days ago. She is doing ok, her Momma says she acting more like herself. She got one of the drains removed but still has the other. Please pray it quits draining. They have been there too long and they are ready to be home.
Asher seems to be feeling better but still has a runny nose. I caught what he has and I feel like monkey doo doo. No wonder he was so uncomfortable.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We are home!!

We actually got home yesterday but my computer has been acting up.

We have an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. They want to do a chest x-ray to check on the fluid in his chest cavity. There was a little bit on the x-ray from Tuesday. He is having a little bit of pain but overall is doing great! He is rolling over and pushing up on his arms. He amazes me! If I had just had open heart surgery I would still be on Morphine and still in the hospital not moving. He's only on Motrin and yet he's rolling around like nothing.

Asher has caught a bug. He feels yucky, his nose is running and he has a cough. PLEASE pray Caius doesn't catch it. That would be awful!

It feels so good to be home. Our dear friend Winonah is here for the week helping me out. Her and Ash have been hitting the town. They have gone on walks, went to the store, went to a cool pet shop and today they went to the Zoo.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, help and support during this long awaited, unbelievable, stressful, and amazing time!