Monday, August 23, 2010

A Good Day

Here we are in a much too familiar place. It almost feels comfortable. The staff here is amazing!! Plus I can't tell you how many employees just stopped by our room to see our 'fluffy' Caius and say Hi!

Today went well. We ran by our Chiropractor's Office so Caius and I could get adjusted. Dr. Ron is FABULOUS! He prayed with us and got us all straightened out. Then we went onto the hospital where they got us right in and up to our room. They did an EKG, and a chest Xray, which was uneventful. But then they needed to draw blood and get an IV. This has been the part I have dreaded the most. I mean I'm not looking forward to the surgery but trying to get an IV is SUPER hard on Caius.

They called in the PICU transport team and they stuck him once. It was only one hole but they kept moving the needle around :-(. They did finally get a vein and got 2cc of blood but it blew. Poor little guy is all bruised up on that arm now. We decided to wait for the Nursing supervisor of the PICU and boy I'm glad we did. We had always heard she was the best and they weren't kidding. First stick, minimal moving around and she got all the blood plus the IV. One test was a little short but they sent it anyway. I hope it is enough so they don't have to stick him again.

Funny story of the day was when his night nurse came in and did his vitals. As usual, his O2 saturation was low. She wanted to keep his pulse oximeter on him so she could monitor his saturation. I didn't want to b/c we are used to it being low but ok. We put him in the crib to go to sleep. He made a little noise and then nothing. We thought he was asleep when all of a sudden the alarm starts going off. Josh jumps up and it says 'probe is off patient'. He checks Caius. Sure enough that little booger had gotten it off and was holding it close to his face and looking at the shiny red light! The nurse came in and said never mind on the pulse ox. He is a stinker!

He has gotten he baths and they are about to stop his feeds. He didn't sleep all day long but he is konked out now, thank goodness. They are going to take him down around 7:30am and the surgeon told us it will be about 9am when he actually gets started.

Thank you for all your prayers!! We serve a great God!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hope your little guy does great through his surgery! Our littlest one (now 17 months/DS) had open heart at 7 months for ASD/VSD/PDA. It is so hard to have to go thru!! :( Found your blog thru RR. (we are adopting 2 little girls from EE as well) Praying for your little guy and his doctors!!
