Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3 weeks since OHS

I can't believe it has only been three weeks since my little man's open heart surgery. Caius looks amazing! No one can even tell he just had surgery. He is active and talking and cute as a bug!
We went to his cardiologist appointment last Thursday and I am proud to say that he is not on Lasiks anymore, WOOOHOOOO!!! and our next cardiology appointment isn't for 6 months. This is a whole new world for us. Thank you Jesus! I know the pic makes it look as though he is eating but let me tell you, this child takes NOTHING by mouth. Please pray he starts!

My Mom is in town this week and we are enjoying hanging out. I'm glad she is here because I have become very self destructive in the last few days. Sunday I stepped wrong and fell off of my shoe, which was a wedge. I thought I had fractured a small bone on the side of my foot because there are times when I cannot put weight on my foot. It has made getting off the floor while holding my boys interesting to say the least. My amazing friend took an x-ray of my foot, so we know there are no fractures just a really bad bone bruise.

Then on Monday, I being the genius that I am, tried to introduce one of my cats to my Mom's dogs. Needless to say it didn't go as I had planned and it definitely didn't go well. My finger took the brunt of the encounter and I now have two puncture wounds on the middle finger of my left hand. For the record, I would like to say Owwwiee!!! Not necessarily to the bite itself even though that wasn't pleasant but to the subsequent cleaning that I have had to endure. I have soaked in food grade hydrogen peroxide, 91% proof alcohol, and Epsom salts (not all at the same time) cleaned with betadine, wiggled, mushed and squished the wounds to try and get out any bacteria that might cause infection.

Due to the pain and swelling the only usable fingers on my left hand are my thumb and index finger. This has made me realize that I believe most of the commonly used letters on the key board are typed using fingers on the left hand. This post has taken me a while to type. :O)

Well, Goodnight to you all. I'm going to finish pumping and then go find me a hot male nurse named Josh to bandage my finger.

I almost forgot!! Today was a memorable day because we found a penny in Asher's diaper. I guess I should insert a joke or something about keeping the change but nothing comes to mind. I did not, however, keep the penny, it went with diaper.

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